Marketing Project Manager

February 28, 2022 Job Title
Marketing Project Manager

Job Description
National health insurance consulting company located in Gaithersburg, Maryland is seeking an marketing professional to work as a project manager in our marketing department to assist with project assignments. Health insurance, managed care and/or sales management experience a plus. College graduate with graduate degree preferred. 2+ years of marketing project management experience required. References with resume submission & salary history, plus writing samples and project work examples. Responsibilities include: Working with our team and clients to produce content and copy. Develop marketing plans including objectives, schedules, target markets and implementation plans. Manage timelines and budgets on a project by project basis. Work with the media to generate exposure and increase visability. Copy Editing, serving as copy editor for all printed marketing materials, including the web, advertisements, reports, email blasts, speeches, scripts and other promotional materials; and writing our monthly E-newsletter. Interested applicants please submit resume with salary history and references to

College graduate with graduate degree preferred. 2+ years of marketing project management experience required.

Post Date

Click here to apply now. Please attach a cover letter and resume for consideration for this position.