HHC Can Help With:

  • Formal dispute resolution
  • Informal three-party resolution
  • Objective, impartial, unbiased

Your Trusted Partner for Healthcare Bill Resolution

HHC Group provides independent arbitration services in payment disputes between hospitals, health systems, individual providers, and payors, avoiding the need to resort to litigation. HHC's Independent Dispute Resolution team quickly and efficiently reviews the specifics of each case, the items or services received, and all documentation provided by the parties and expeditiously delivers equitable determinations. HHC's clinical review panel includes board-certified specialists with 87 different specialties and subspecialties nationwide available to make determinations impartially, quickly, and seamlessly.

HHC Group is 1 of 5 companies certified by the New York State Department of Financial Services as an Independent Dispute Resolution Entity. HHC's insight regarding the dispute resolution process and its experience resolving provider–payor disputes for New York State enable us to assist hospitals, health systems, individual providers, and payors in resolving disputes quickly and fairly. Members of the Independent Dispute Resolution team are licensed health insurance adjusters in the states of Florida, New York, and North Carolina.

HHC Group is available for both formal dispute and informal three-party resolution.


H.H.C. Group is uniquely qualified to provide formal dispute and three-party resolution services given its:
  • 29+ years of experience successfully negotiating equitable settlements on medical bills nationally
  • NY State dispute resolution experience
  • Highly experienced, attorney licensed health insurance adjustor experts
HHC Group Independent Dispute Resolution

We'll get the job done for you!