Health Plans Have a Major Customer Satisfaction Problem
The overall customer satisfaction score for commercial health plans is the lowest for
any industry evaluated by J.D. Power this year. According to the company's 2020 U.S.
Commercial Member Health Plan StudySM, the dismal customer satisfaction score is
linked directly to the plans' lack of consumer centricity and customer engagement. In
fact, just 25% of members say they view their health plan as a trusted partner in their
health and wellness. Importantly, the study found that proactive efforts by health plans
to engage with members—by providing advice on how to control costs or helping to
coordinate care—can drive significant improvement in overall customer satisfaction.
Health Plan GPS - A Powerful Member Engagement Tool
H.H.C. Group has launched Health Plan GPS (HPGPS), a user-friendly member
mobile app and website designed to increase member engagement and
satisfaction while reducing plan and member healthcare costs for H.H.C Group
Reference Based Pricing Plans. HPGPS is an ideal vehicle for secure member
engagement, communications, steerage to safe harbor providers, balance bill
appeal support, e-payments to providers and much more. The app and website are
powered by
IRS to Allow Mid-Year Health Plan Changes
Based on requests from employer groups, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has
announced that employees can make mid-year changes to their health plans. Employees
at participating employers can sign up for coverage they had opted out of previously,
change plans or drop coverage entirely. Employers can also increase the carryover limit
of their maximum PSA contribution. Participation by employers is voluntary. They can
choose to offer any or all of the options or not participate at all.
Surprise Medical Billing Legislation Back On the Table
The Trump administration is again taking up the issue of surprise billing and will
possibly seek to address it in the next stimulus package. The administration's latest
plan would ban providers from holding patients responsible for outstanding surprise
billing charges. The proposed plan does not address who would be responsible
for paying the unpaid amount. Many view eliminating surprise bills as a win for
consumers. However, the Congressional Budget Office has suggested that the plan
could result in higher provider charges and increased insurance premiums.
Three Star Preferred Provider Program Additions
Lieb Family Practice, Inc.
Ebensburg, PA 15931