March 2024 Volume 16 Issue 3
Providing Current Information on

Health Insurance Industry Issues and Legislation

HHC Group March Newsletter 2024
Rising Costs, Unreasonable Charges Top Employer Concerns
Employers again voiced their growing concerns about increasing healthcare related cost, integrity of services, and fees being charged by their partners in providing benefits according to a new NAHPC survey. High and ever-increasing drug prices, high-cost claims, and hospital prices and how to pay for them topped their worry lists. They are very concerned about the services integrity and the unreasonable/indefensible hospital charges.
Fighting Those Unreasonable Charges
The best way to fight the rising tide of facility and provider charges is by having experienced, expert negotiators, like HHC Group's, in your corner. Our team of attorney negotiators review the bills, determine the appropriate amount to pay for the services provided and then convince the provider decision makers to adjust their charges. Of course, we always get signed agreements so there are no reversals and no balance bills.
Can Payors Fix the Behavioral Healthcare System?
Demand for behavioral health services in the U.S. far exceeds the supply of providers driving up costs and leaving unfulfilled demand for services. A novel option is proving its ability to reduce hospital stays drive down costs and improve patient outcomes. Despite impressive results, getting traction with healthcare systems has proved difficult because they have no financial incentive to do so but self-funded payor do.
$400+ Billion Obesity Price Tag
An estimated 30% of US workers are classified as obese and another third as overweight. Heightened health risks for the obese and overweight include heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, some cancer. The associated costs are astronomical. Incremental medical and work-related costs for employers and employers reached $425.5 billion last year. Increased medical costs accounted for $146.5 billion while reduced worker productivity added another $160.3 billion. Some smart employers are taking actionable steps to deal with the obesity crisis.