H.H.C. Group Releases 2021 Client Survey Results

December 14, 2021 H.H.C. Group today announced the results of its annual client survey. The survey is designed to assess the company's performance and help identify its clients' greatest needs going into 2022.

Survey respondents again said the quality of H.H.C. Group's solutions and the excellent savings the Company delivers give them a real advantage in today's highly competitive marketplace. 88% described that advantage as "Vital" or "Big". They indicated they are getting a good bang for their buck with more than almost 90% rating the value they receive for the price they pay as outstanding.

Clients also said H.H.C. Group provides exceptional service; promptly responding to the questions and requests, meeting or beating deadlines and delivering innovative solutions. As a senior executive at a large TPA put it, "HHC assists in 'off menu' requests as well as ones we are currently contracted for. HHC is typically the first vendor I think of when I get approached by an out of the ordinary request".

Importantly, respondents indicate that they value that H.H.C. Group's people listen to them and truly care about their businesses. As a client since 1997 said, "When I think of HHC Group, I think of a very positive & pleasant company to do business with. I know they will meet my needs."

"We are very pleased that the savings and service we provide continue to give our clients a real advantage while enabling them to do their jobs effectively and efficiently", said Bruce Roffé, H.H.C. Group's President and CEO. "We look forward to continuing to support our clients in achieving their goals and to assisting them in implementing the No Surprise Act in the coming year.

About H.H.C. Group

H.H.C. Group is a leading national health insurance consulting company providing a wide range of cost containment solutions for Insurers, Third Party Administrators, Self-Insured Employee Health Plans, Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), ERISA and Government Health Plans. H.H.C. Group utilizes a combination of highly skilled professionals and advanced information technology tools to consistently deliver targeted solutions, significant savings and exceptional client service.

H.H.C. Group's services include Claim Negotiation, Claim Repricing, Medicare Based Pricing, DRG Validation, Medical Bill Review (Audit), Claims Editing, Medical Peer Reviews/Independent Reviews, Independent Medical Examinations (IME), Case Management, Utilization Review, Data Mining, Disease Management and Pharmacy Consulting.

For additional information about H.H.C. Group and our services, visit www.hhcgroup.com or contact Bob Serber at rserber@hhcgroup.com or 301-963-0762 ext. 163#.