The Power of Knowledge and Relationship Building

HHC Group Success Story The Power of Relationship Building

HHC's Case Managers (CM) use a combination of published and proprietary databases built over the 20 years HHC has been negotiating claims. They also use information from our prior negotiations with the provider.

Employing these tools and the relationship HHC had previously established with the provider, the CM secured a signed agreement from the provider for a 67.3% reduction in the bill.

Claim Type: Out-of-Network

Provider Type: Hospital

Location: Southwest

Diagnosis: Patient was admitted with diverticulosis of the small intestine, esophageal reflux, a diaphragmatic hernia and peritoneal adhesions

Treatment: Local excision of lesion or tissue of the small bowel, revision gastric anastomosis, a partial gastrectomy with anastomosis to esophagus, a laparoscopic lysis peritoneal adhesions, a laparoscopic liver biopsy and a small bowl endoscopy.

Provider Charge: $381,943

HHC Negotiated Charge: $125,000

% HHC Savings versus List Charge: 67.3%

Client Savings: $256,943

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